May 15, 2005

three cheers for a hot as balls day today!

Three cheers for good authors! Ok, so I read Laurell K. Hamilton's books. Yes, it's X-rated, and yes the X-ness is gewd, but they have plots too! Hooray for sci fi novels. uhuhuhuh <-- the noise from MAD TV's Lorraine. That's the noise I make instead of Homer's head-back-gargle that he does for donuts (which i do do, but for lower level gewdness). Oh man.. I have a hierarchy of noises for gewdness... crimany.

why am i talking about all this crap? Because i just walked a mile (1/2 to, 1/2 back) with my 2 yr ols sister in tote to get the new Meredith Gentry book. According to the net, it's 83 out. CELSIUS. non, je blague... hehe... im kidding kiddos! talk aboot hot... There was a great blue heron at the lake today, and of course the usual egrets and a few mallards and these little black birds with red beaks that i can't find the name for... man.. i need to work on my onitholigical terms... and my tree names.. oh well! once there was a pair of BALD EAGLES!!! >_< ach, so gewd. heehee, i'm-a gonna be a nature buff, just you watch. It'll be disgusting, all the terms I'll know.

I SAID GODDAMN! i have got to get a job so i can get a life, a schedule! can't..stay..idle.. i haven't even graduated yet! (that's tuesday) and I already feel like a loser! hehehe... oh well. im gonna go read now, so sthcrew you guysth, i'm goin' home.

madfuzzyme at 5:08 p.m.

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