May 12, 2005

shaw and soad... like a taking a mudbath and trying to get clean

man, SOAD has a new video and its so commercial. those poor boys. Not even the song is good... there's a militia of SWAT members with daft punk helmets on that give lit up messages and everything. Only not even a quarter as delicious. The lead singer has jerry curl in his hair!
i'm going to ask, though it's a jynx: what else are they going to do? Atleast the drummer didnt change his looks... yippee! That guy's new hair makes him look more gaunt than he is.. unless hitchihiking around the planet actually changed his face...

ive been saying 'higgly' instead of 'highly', just 'cause I was reading Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion. He writes things phonetically. For example, what word is this: ghoti? It's 'fish'. GH-> laugh, O-> women, and TI-> nation. Isnt that great? yea, i though so too...

"Well, it is I and-my like who have to do the writing. I have done it professionally for the last sixty years as well as it can be done with a hopelessly inadequate alphabet devised centuries before the English language existed to record another and very different language, Even this alphabet is reduced to absurdity by a foolish orthography based on the notion that the business of spelling is to represent the origin and history of a word instead of its sound and meaning."
part of Shaw's 26 page preface to the Miraculous Birth of Language

madfuzzyme at 3:29 p.m.

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