May 12, 2005

funeral arrangements

hello good people!

ive been learning the text tabs and stuff so i can cheat and add spiffy stuff. I probably wont 'cause it's just a tidbit superfluous...
It helps to have fat fluffy kitties to snuggle with. Even if they do smell bad and squeak (very un-catlike).

SSgt's funeral should be later this week. He's being buried with his son. I've got to get funeral attire. I'm feeling good about everything. He's a good guy.. Man.. I just read the news article and found out that Ian (6 yr old son) had written HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MOMMY I LOVE YOU in chalk on their driveway. They were going to the beach for mother's day.

Here's the link if you would like to read about him: Harrison is a good friend of mine.

SSgt's cousin is handling things.

I cant wait for the will! i dont know what it is... please dont think me selfish... though we all know it sounds like nothing other than that... i explained it in it former entry.

There's a good chance his wife will make it. Is that a good thing or not?

and he was called sir

madfuzzyme at 10:16 a.m.

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