May 09, 2005

the prom saga continues

learning text tags.. golly gee wiz, batman, it's been years since i used these codes! online rpging, mmm... chatroom rpging, not online gaming... newayz, i can do eet! (waterboy)

so what did i need to remember? ok, sooo, i was dancing with my official 'girl' date, but it gets tricky from here on out: you see, she got her ticket from a friend of ours (jacob), cause he got a free one this year, and paid for his own, so they were 'dates', but i was her date... i played it off nonchalantly, like 'yea, emily, you're getting the best of both worlds!' but when i tried to really ::wink wink:: dance with her (like how a guy dances with a girl - im the man!!) he was there trying to dance with us.. ugh.. i find him quite the unattractive, especially when he's macking on the chic that i've been macking on for a few years now. SO when i was 'dancing' with her, all i could think about was that he was at her back and would probably get off on me grinding on her, so i practiced self-control with the grinding. My friend tyler had my back ^^ if jacob hadnt been there, i would have been doin the hippity-dippity on that dance floor, i would have. oh well, it was still so gewd. ::guttural moan:: so very gewd.

my brother is 20, atleast he will be in july, and he's engaged to a junior at my school. They started going out after he had been graduated for a year and she was a sophomore and he was still hanging out at school almost on a daily basis. State your own hypotheses on that one. I think it was just hard to let bye-gones be bye-gones. he's in the navy, just recently got out of A school and is now in Washington state. Jennifer (fiance) went to prom with another guy. I didn't really think anything of it, because jennifer is just like that... it makes sense for her to have a guy with her... but then i think about how i would feel if my fiance went to prom with some girl if i was away making a future for us, or if i was the fiance, how i would never do that! Oh jennifer, i try my best to keep you in a good light, but you're pulling some strings. They're already having relationship problems.. i wonder what this will catalyze... They've based their relationship on a mutual love a porn, dirty humor, and a need to be dependant upon somebody, anybody. She is always hitting on me. You would think she would have quit after she said she would. I would punch her uterus in 1) if i was a violent person or 2) she didn't think she deserved it. She probably would, but for different reasons.

Oh, the manically depressed, how misery was my company too frequently when i was at that stage of growth. Not that i dont get depressed nowadays, but hey, everybody questions life! That's what my goals are for: to keep me going! some people splice religion in there, but not i!
I'm glad it is somewhat socially accepted to not have a religiong, though with my family it's taboo not to believe in god and jesus christ as savior. I remember almost every day my junior year my mom would hint, or just say, "adrienne, find god, 'cause it hurts me that im doing the best i can to raise you and you're still going to hell. But it's ok, i forgive you, 'cause i know you'll find him later in life." Isn't that great? eternal damnation vs disappointing my mother: i'd take the former over the latter, too bad she thinks, no, fervently believes and relies her existence upon, the bible as a life saver with no blemishes. ::sigh:: life progesses, though some digress in the process.
THAT IS A GREAT LINE! NOBODY STEAL THAT!! atleast give me some credit, you guys

ok, back to prom. Jacob and i already butt heads when it comes to the use of genetics and other knowledge for the 'betterment' of mankind. I highly support gay rights and sex changes. However, so you don't think me a total nut case, i think it is only for those who seriously are not the same sex physically that they are mentally. I know that if I were truly a man on the inside, i would hate being in this body and would do everything possible to change that. Hokay, so, this is the argument between us (jacob and me) ((hey, i found out it really is him and me , not him and I in proper grammar! neato...)) IS: jaocb and i have a mutual friend, and this guy (ed) wants to get a sex change. I think he needs to consult a doctor and a psychiatrist (and me too) first, before he gets this life-altering

you'll have to excuse me, but my friend called and i just found out that my greatest friend was killed in a horrible car accident on I-4. I'm going to go cry in my room now, be back later, ok?

madfuzzyme at 9:29 p.m.

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